Tuesday, August 25, 2009

iN tHE ZonE

Have you ever sat down and just really took the time to listen to lyrics?
After a peace cyphe ritual with 2 of my closest friends, we chose to listen to the game's best lyricists... An assortment of greats like Yey (Kanye West) , Talib Kwali, Biggie, Jay Z, Cudi..etc

What a Moon Trip!
We picked apart and deciphered lyrics that to many mean different things but we decoded them as if we were in the artist mind at the time he/she made the song.
As if they were in the booth, feeling the bass and goosebumps rising as their voices do.

I t was truly a euphoric feeling, to be able to think and be in the same state of mind aas the artists when they created the masterpiece; it makes being a fan feel like you're their homie! It all made so much sense....

How Kanye made 808 beats with African influence; as in the 'mother land' as in "I want to go back to my mother land" that turns into I WANT MY MOTHER BACK! Think about gus, he lost his mom... that's the 1 & only mother you'll ever have. How he was so chill in graduation saying 'You can't tell me nothing' to the ppl who hate because I graduated, what u gotta say now?
How 'Flashing Lights' was dedicated to a woman ... think . . .

I know it's been a while,
Sweetheart, we hard-ly talk, I was doing my thing
I know I was foul bay-bay,
a-bay late-ly you been all on my brain,
And if somebody would've told me a month ago
Fronting though, yo I wouldn't wanna know
If somebody would've told me a year ago
it'd go, get this difficult
Feeling like Katrina with no fema
Like Martin with no Gina
Like a flight with no visa
First class with the seat back I still see ya
In my past, you on the other side of the glass
Of my memory's museum,
I'm just saying, Hey Mona Lisa,
come home you know you can't Rome without Caesar

GET IT?: Sittin' in 1st class i still see ya, meaning Im graduated I have success but I still see ya..
Imagine sittin in 1st class wit a bad ass model next to you but throughout the success and the BS you still see the girl you love back home, like damn I love her. I think he was goin thru some relationship issues, but people only look at titles and dont think about the true meaning of the song.

Depicting words is hard to do, songs are messages in cypher. Thinking like an artists helps you see why things are the way they are, it helps you understand the song, the meaning & persona of their music so much better.

So next time, please guys, carefully listen to your favorite artists and really understand where they are comin from. More to come...

Picture of Kid Cudi

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Latest Tatt... 7/8/09

If You Forget Me.. Please don't

If You Forget Me

I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.

By Pablo Neruda

Monday, August 17, 2009

One Sick Comic Scene

The Boys

Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson | 2006 (WildStorm/Dynamite)

Touted by Ennis as the book that would "out-Preacher Preacher." Nonetheless, DC gave the series the axe after six issues of its ultraviolent anti-super-hero storyline. And considering that one of the main characters gleefully executes 150 people in one issue after the book changed publishers, it's safe to say that those early stories were just a warm-up.

Friday, August 14, 2009


By Artist Evan Meister

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Father & Son

Intertwined at the mind, In the soul the inner child plays rewind.
Memories turn to a place where everything was fine.
...But fine is a state of mind...

The child puts his hands on his head,
The cloth on his bed is made
Of Nightmares instead.

My friends are dope.. Are yours?

Radient being. Bask in the ambiance of a nuiance; of a distinct persona. Trying to create moments; more good than bad, my pen is goin crazy on the pad its hell-a mad... Ok ok... Seriously now....

A thought, think..... Flashback to a moment of Euphoria; stop and ask yourself why you felt that way at that specific moment? Who did you share that moment with? Where was it? Ask yourself, why did it feel so good. Nothing in life is sweeter than having a moment in which you feel as if you were in heaven and you had no clue why...it jus happened. You were on the ground 2 seconds ago & now you're floating, loving the moment... realizing how lucky you really are.

Most of us aren't lucky enough to experience this moment; but I was lucky enough to be in this moment and then some.
See, now; I have the greatest friends on earth...
Zooted with my room so polluted with smoke, tellin jokes cuz our souls ain't broke
As the torch was passed we all shared some laughs and gave a toast to the future;
Knowing that life can't get more cuter, it only gets uglier.
However, with the right people in your life
The air is pure; your vision is clear

I want to dedicate this to my friends... you guys know who you are,the dopest of the dope... I love you guys ohdeee ohdeeeee ooohhhhhdeeeeeee, thank you for providing me with some pretty unforgettable moments & for always makin da kid feel like he matters. A big toast to yuh!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daydream on the Flipside

She's got...
Nuclear Warheads for Eyes.
When she wa
lks through those doors,
Day dreams turn to dust, filled with liquor
& lust.
My stomach...
Filled with so many butterflies

That she can Kill my flyness. Her Walk is mean,

Her swag Outlandish, But I reciprocate, I deliberate...
That while others kick rocks... I kick Planets!

Far from the norm, there is a hurricane on her lips and

One kiss can calm the storm.

Literaly, literature cannot sum up this unique masterpiece.
For I would have to borrow all of earth's dictionaries..
But times are rough...

My tongue is broke, this mind is in depression,

She's got me livin in a verbal recession.
These fingers have flirted with temptation, they've played with zippers and buttons...

Were both in it for the fun... As I entice you, to... Come..
LOL, You say hello
And as your body moves, walking you become an illusion... giving my spine a neural concussion.

I wonder...if she dances like Destruction..could she fuck like Armeggedon????

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Otherside


Walkin down Amsterdam today, I spent plenty of time thinking about the way everything in life has a pair. No, not a tasty fruit; but an opposite side. For example, "there's TWO sides to every story, where here's good there's bad, sunrise has sunset, light has darkness, pleasure has pain" and so on and so forth. I came to think, wait a minute, how does this affect my life?... what are my ying and yangs. Am I really living out the best years of my life? If so, what's the opposite down the road? So many questions just arose in my head and I just could not help but try to answer them to the best of my ability.

You see, life is just that... It's a big question mark. Better yet as the Joker put it "Its one big joke" and I believe if you can see thru the bullshit you'll laugh harder! When I fade to black, I wonder how I am living my life, I life a good life, I work hard, I party hard and I show love by the tons... What if I become bitter, cold, a sour piece of skin that has not an ounce of love left in his soul. That's an opposite reality, something that can happen to anyone who is as lovable and caring as I am. For water there is fire, water is the fragment of my being, while fire ignites everything in me. For love there is hate, love is all I have in my heart because the love over powers the hate as they say, but there was a time where hate consumed the body like a virus.

For me, there is no one else, there is I... I am in control of my two sides, where ever the pendulum may swing. I know everything is meant to be balanced out, but I hope and pray that I can balanc my life in just the right way, where love is given in the right amount, where pleasure and pain can both be felt, where the light of the sun can overcome any darkness thru my nights.