Monday, August 3, 2009

The Otherside


Walkin down Amsterdam today, I spent plenty of time thinking about the way everything in life has a pair. No, not a tasty fruit; but an opposite side. For example, "there's TWO sides to every story, where here's good there's bad, sunrise has sunset, light has darkness, pleasure has pain" and so on and so forth. I came to think, wait a minute, how does this affect my life?... what are my ying and yangs. Am I really living out the best years of my life? If so, what's the opposite down the road? So many questions just arose in my head and I just could not help but try to answer them to the best of my ability.

You see, life is just that... It's a big question mark. Better yet as the Joker put it "Its one big joke" and I believe if you can see thru the bullshit you'll laugh harder! When I fade to black, I wonder how I am living my life, I life a good life, I work hard, I party hard and I show love by the tons... What if I become bitter, cold, a sour piece of skin that has not an ounce of love left in his soul. That's an opposite reality, something that can happen to anyone who is as lovable and caring as I am. For water there is fire, water is the fragment of my being, while fire ignites everything in me. For love there is hate, love is all I have in my heart because the love over powers the hate as they say, but there was a time where hate consumed the body like a virus.

For me, there is no one else, there is I... I am in control of my two sides, where ever the pendulum may swing. I know everything is meant to be balanced out, but I hope and pray that I can balanc my life in just the right way, where love is given in the right amount, where pleasure and pain can both be felt, where the light of the sun can overcome any darkness thru my nights.


  1. You write beautifully! Very accurate with this piece. The thoughts in our minds can make endless, countless amounts of writings like books. It's AMAZING!
